Bayer Corporation

At Bayer, the multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company, the main focus is on advancing life. As an intern on the design team, I was able to use my skills to showcase their philosophies of change.

Employees have built their own Farmbot, which is a robot farming device. By editable code, the user is enabled to create a more sustainable farming experience. The Farmbot plants, waters, and pulls weeds in one's garden, reducing waste and saving energy. I was tasked with creating a descriptive sign that stood out and clearly explained digital farming to observers. The end result was a 3' X 4' die cut sign that is able to withstand the varying weather of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Farmbot Sign
Located next to a walking trail between Bayer buildings is a pollinator garden. I designed a 16"X 24"' informative sign to explain the positive effects of pollination as well as how this garden was contributing to the cause. To convey this message, I created colorful digital illustrations to accompany the text-based information. The sign was created to be sturdy and last through all weather conditions.

Pollinator Garden Sign